Congratulations to Ed and BN1 for winning your divisions.  Enjoy your trophies!

Also a special mention to POD and Rhubarb for giving these teams such entertaining finals.

Here are the full results…


3rdRhubarbGrand Hawks
4thGet Your Gubs OutHawks Open
5thCosmic ManateesDirty Ike
6thUCLumniBrighton Ultimate
7thRawhydeGreat Eastern
8thMatagotTonbridge Ultimate
9thHawks MixedThe Void (plate winners!)
10thBUDPoole Ultimate

Spirit of the Game

We used a simplified spirit system; the results of which you can see below.  On each day teams were asked to highlight any particularly spirited teams and optionally any unspirited teams.  These figures are from the Monday after the tournament and include any late entries.  The raw data (including comments) can be seen on this spreadsheet.

Well done to Caversham and Brighton Big Dogs, who each took home the spirit prizes in your respective divisions.

Teams marked as the most spirited

Teams highlighted as unspirited by another team