What a great weekend everyone!  Thank you for coming and making it what it was.  Congratulations to Sublime (beg), Durhamazing (women’s) and Get in my Van (open) for winning your divisions!  And Southampton (beg), Durhamazing (women’s) and Custard (open) for winning spirit.

Thank you also to everyone that helped over the weekend.  Especially Brighton Panthers, Sussex Mohawks and all our Brighton based hosts.  Also the many individuals who offered their help, knowledge and chocolates!

We also had a dedicated photographer this year.  You can see the snaps here.


Beginner’s Division (spirit)Open Division (spirit)Women’s Division (spirit)
1stSublime (6.0)Get in my Van (11.3)Durhamazing! (11.9)
2ndMohawks X (11.2)Knife Crime (11.7)Brighton Pretty (12.2)
3rdTeam Surrey (10.5)AlterEgo (11.0)Vurve (11.0)
4thCardiff 1 (10.7)OW! (10.5)Brighton Ugly (11.5)
5thHU? (11.0)BFG (11.0)All Things Brighton Beautiful (11.6)
6thMohawks Z (10.0)Cut Under Next Time (10.4)Mohawks (10.7)
7thPanthers 2 (12.4)Rhubarb (10.9)WOW! (11.2)
8thCardiff 2 (11.7)Panthers (11.6)Discie Chicks (11.3)
9thdD* (11.2)Mohawks* 1 (12)Team Surrey (11.2)
10thSouthampton (13.6)Swansea (10.0)Southampton (11.6)
11thPanthers 1 (11.5)dD (10.0)
12thKTT 1 (10.9)Surrey (9.3)
13thSwansea (12.0)Southampton (9.8)
14thKCL Thrown (12.0)Custard (12.8)
15thKTT 2 (11.4)Mohawks 2 (10.7)
16thSublime (8.0)
17thKent (12.2)
18thHU? (12.5)
19thScuba Divers (11.3)
20thKCL Thrown (11.6)

MVPs for our finals were Ross from sublime in the beginners final, Cat Ashton #27 for Durhamazing in the women’s final and Robbie “corn on the cobbie” Haines for GIMV in the open final.  Nicely played guys!

*plate winners!!

Finally if you want to get updates or this or future SICKO tournaments then we’ve created a fb page that’s worth ‘liking’.   www.facebook.com/sickofrisbee